Nathan Challen
A.K.A. ‘theDayNinja’. Computer scientist, hacker, family man & father of 3.
I am not a psychologist nor a neuroscientist. I’m just like you.
My entire work life I’ve experimented daily to uncover what it takes to make the most of every day – now I am sharing it with you.
Tech founder & entrepreneur Nathan Challen has refined his productivity using the scientific method. Reading countless books and experimenting daily on himself to ‘hack’ his brain, the result is “the DayNinja Method” for productivity and peak performance. His programs and apps have been embraced in 130+ countries across the world impacting thousands who have learned his method ‘Zen and the Art of Getting Sh*t Done’©.
Unlocking the super-human power of flow through the DayNinja Method is his contribution to the world’s next generation creatives, knowledge workers and entrepreneurs.